Covenant University – Adeola Adeyemo Journalist, Writer, Storyteller Mon, 15 Mar 2021 18:10:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Michael Eromhonsele Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:26:44 +0000 More]]> At the recent graduating ceremony of Covenant University (CU) Ota, 21 year-old Michael Eromhonsele stood proud among 1,465 other graduates to clinch the Best Graduating Student Award. His achievement caused quite a sensation on the online media sphere with reports that he had to make some sacrifices such as not having a girlfriend or attending parties to achieve this feat.

In this exclusive interview with Adeola Adeyemo, Michael corrects some of the wrong media reports about him. He also speaks on his undergraduate experience and how he was able to make such an impressive grade. His story is an interesting one.

Congratulations on your achievement. How does it feel, coming tops among 1,465 other undergraduates?
I feel very privileged and favoured. My heart is full of praise to God.

Tell me about your early days in the University. What was your experience like when you first gained admission into CU?
I spent my first two weeks getting used to the school rules and the environment. I remember getting lost the first time I went to Joseph Hall to see a family friend. It was during this period I became a course representative, was baptized in the Holy Spirit and joined communion service unit of the school’s chaplaincy. The decisions I made during these two weeks shaped my destiny in Covenant University.

Why did you decide to study Civil Engineering?
During my secondary education I had a strong passion for statics and structural mechanics. I also loved further mathematics. These were the reasons why I chose to study civil engineering.

For many students, Engineering and Mathematics are tough courses. How were you able to cope with the demands of studying such courses in your department?
When you are doing something you love, you will see challenges as stepping stones for success. My mindset helped me overcome the challenges like they never existed.

Read the rest of this interview on BellaNaija
